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Book Writing needs a Methodological Approach

Many may assume that writing a book is all about just placing words on paper and it is a job anybody can do. In reality, although anybody can publish a book, for it to be good, one has to construct a compelling narrative for their readers. A methodological approach is crucial for success. Let’s look at why all of this is important and how it makes your book stand out.

Structure and organization makes a book more systematic and easier to access than it being a puzzle for readers to figure out before they are even able to access it. A methodological approach acts like a blueprint for the narrative to be placed piece by piece fitting together well, which makes it easier even for the readers to understand. They get a seamless read without being annoyed about having to figure out the book prior, and straightaway jump into the matter. This will also help you as a book writer/ghost writer to know how to place and write your story/content.

Being efficient and productive by breaking down the whole process into doable tasks, set clear goals and deadlines to make it more feasible will change your game drastically, especially since you will not waste time procrastinating! Taken it as slowly carving a sculpture and eventually making it to the end of a beautiful piece. So take it one step at a time, and be consistent with it.

– Disciplined approach:

Discipline is a key factor to excel in any field, not just being a writer. Being consistent and providing quality writing helps deliver a properly planned content marketing strategy! Book writing needs constant refining of your work, whether with grammar, concepts, structure and so on. Just the way a pianist perfects their piece through consistent practice, to perform the piece and deliver it in the best way possible, so is being a book writer!

– Time Management:

It is of course another valuable aspect for a writer to pay attention to. Prioritise different important tasks and note down on paper the deadlines you have to meet, focus on achieving them. By doing this, you can help yourself by using 100% of your undivided attention into your work for 5 hours as compared to your mind being all over the place and being distracted the whole day while simultaneously working on your content writing.

Just surviving by one’s own views and creativity won’t suffice, one needs to attain and utilise the feedback they get from their readers and other content writers and book writers. Embrace the constructive criticism and sieve through your work and reach our maximum potential! Work hard and improve your piece of coal to be as bright as a diamond, for only then will your brilliance shine through.

Knowing all of the plus points of this approach, how does one actually get
around to using it?

How book writing can be approached methodically?

  1. The Pre-writing phase:
    You have to put forth all your ideas and research together, lay them out in an outline on how you’re going to structure your book. This will be the foundation of your book that will give you the perfect outcome! Take it as the rough circles artists draw before creating a masterpiece of a figure.
    Prepare your layout well and take enough time to plan as, you can try the “Juxtaposition method” that is combining two totally different ideas to create a unique one, try meditation, look at similar authors or read up your favourite authors! GET CREATIVE!
  2. Set your goals and deadlines:
    Make sure that your tasks are clearly mentioned, do not make it too complex that there would be trouble achieving it, however do not make it too easy to attain for yourself too, make sure to keep them stable and such that you will always be on your toes to complete them. These can be like a certain word count you want to reach, the number of chapters, etc. Many times, adhering to these deadlines can be a real task, thus, taking help of ghost writing services like Research Eye works wonders!
  3. Be disciplined:
    Strive to be determined to complete your tasks, and do it consistently! Yes, there may be lazy and slow days but you still keep pushing forward. It is only when you write every single day that you will fine tune your writing, you will learn the mistakes you make and correct them, you will see the better phrases you come up with, your writing style, the way you put out your matter and especially your niche and tone of writing!
  4. Getting feedback and revising:
    Factors like hiring a professional editor will make a huge change to your book writing game especially since you’re doing something over and over again, you tend to over look the mistakes you make, but when editors look at it from a new and outer perspective, they’ll notice mistakes right away! You can also join groups or workshops, ask your writer-colleagues or fellow readers about what they think of the matter, take it constructively and revise on what you’re creating.
  5. Embrace being flexible:
    Many a times during researches, the researchers are proved wrong. They either pick on accepting the fact or trying to yet prove their theory to be right, and mostly, the ones who simply accept it are happier. Thus, embrace the twists and turns that come your way, for even a croissant needs it’s twists and layers and layers of butter to come out deliciously as it does! So be consistent, make those changes and do not be afraid!
  6. The form and the narrative:

Often while you are writing the book, an idea pops up about how you are going to present the narrative or the chapters to your audiences. There are various ways of doing that: include photos, cartoons, graphical representations, facts intertwined with stories, etc. More often creativity gets triggered while writing the book. Always share it with your client because how differently you write the narrative is what makes the book distinct. This is why book writing is an enjoyable experience.

Concluding, a methodological approach can be the corner of your book journey! It helps you polish your work and bring attention to itself. So prepare your methods, plan it well, and leave that imprint in your readers hearts!

Get in touch with our team to know more and discuss your plans of writing a book with us!!

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