Rashmi Malapur Jaswal

Why Do New Year Resolutions Fail?

We all make multiple resolutions just to simply not complete them by the end of the very first month. Have you wondered if this is your conscious convincing you to not take steps towards its completion? Why did you pick these particular resolutions? How did you visualize it coming true? What did you do to make it true? Do you still want it to be true? How can you make it come to be and why should you do it?

If you think about it, resolutions are just actions that one desires to implement in their life for their betterment. They’re changes and beneficial actions to improve our lives. Sometimes they can mean harm but it's always something that a person desired, way before the new year could begin. The new year is just a fresh start accepted and devised by the human mind to start from the very top. It is like starting your work at 3 o'clock or 3.30 pm; this is a round figured clock where even if a minute passes by, the work is postponed until the next. This is what makes us think that the opportunity of a new whole year will be great to process a new item of work into our day-to-day life as it would be better to begin at a round figure instead of a semi. What we don't understand is that we can begin anytime at any moment instead of waiting for it.

The act we want to implement can be processed any day. It can happen to begin once, it can happen that sometimes we may falter or forget about those things, we need to be a little forgiving and try again, not just stop at once and give up or wait for a particular time to begin because, the cycle just goes on and on, all the time.

To actually believe and make things happen, one needs to plan how they're going to go about the subject in their day and what can they gain from it. Creating vision boards to get ideas and focus on a stream for a limited time until it is set into our daily routine. If one is strong-hearted and has great willpower it is easier to attain the resolution and fulfill it. Although for most of us, things get difficult.

We need to realize that we cannot always be perfect in everything we do. It takes time, patience and practice to fix a routine and to be healthy. It takes a lot of temptations and breakdowns to master what we wish to do. There will be a number of barriers keeping you from it. But what matters most is how you fight them back and achieve your success. But for that to happen, we need to start.

If midway you ever feel overwhelmed by it, recall why you decided to keep that resolution in the very first place.

The rush one gets after completing their resolutions are much greater than victories. It is the fruit of striving for weeks and months against difficulties, problems, and anxieties and fighting back all the obstacles in the way. It is one of the most promising feelings and a matter of pride about how far they've come. Keeping them can be good, but doing them will be better. Although many just forget they even have existing resolutions by the 3rd of January, do you really need a new year to start?

Janus: Let’s begin

January was named after the Roman God Janus, known as the protector of gates and doorways who symbolizes beginnings and endings. Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, the other with the ability to see into the future.

Let's be like Janus this month and pursue some of these qualities that he is known for! Let us be in control of the gates of our lives, be vigilant, allow people who are only good for our mental and emotional health within, cut off, and let go of the toxic people out the gates of our kingdom.

Let's be strong, and supportive and sort out the clothes we do not need, look out for new opportunities to pick up on this year, and take them when they come by for you don’t really know how well it could work for you!

Even through difficult situations, let's promise ourselves that we will look through not just the bigger picture but the little windows of growth too, refer to our past values, experiences, and the various teachings that have taught us so many wonderful things, keep in mind on what to do and not.

How are little actions going to benefit me through the year? Implementing good habits and practicing them often can lead to sticking them to our routine. It builds a comfortable area and a healthy space for one to be in. It nurtures the soul in tiny ways. One may not notice them at first. Let's keep in mind the good and bad, but in doing so in the long run, show gratitude to all.

Let us definitely practice the art of gratitude every day!

For a healthier lifestyle. Even on our worst days, it is good to know our bests. And remember, it's always the little things that matter the most.

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