When a small business first starts out, the main goal and biggest challenge is to attain a base level clientele. To achieve this, one may use the approach of traditional marketing, making use of channels such as television, radio and print. While this might be effective in some cases, digital marketing can prove to be way more powerful in boosting one’s business and helping it grow.
Digital Marketing is marketing done on web based channels. The Internet and social media are an essential part of human existence in contemporary times. More than 5 billion people today use the Internet, worldwide. Small businesses, especially ones that are just starting out can use this to their benefit to ensure maximum success in their respective fields. According to a research by Visual Objects, 76% of consumer look at the company’s online presence before visiting them whereas 45% customers are more likely to visit if the company has a strong online platform. In the past few years, online retail industry has exploded. This has increased the scope for growing one’s business through the internet manifold. But how does this work? What are some approaches and methods one can use to get started and how can they benefit your business? Let’s break it down:
●Set up your primary goal: What exactly do you aim to achieve first? Is it a solid clientele you want to build? Do you want to enhance your social media engagement? Setting up your primary goal is the first step in starting your digital marketing journey. Once you have set your aims and goals, you can then start figuring out how to work towards attaining them.
●Identify your target audience: Who will your content be directed towards? Perhaps, the general audience, a selective group of people or other entrepreneurs? One may be as vague or as precise in selecting a target audience as they wish. You can target categories like, specific geographic areas, particular age group, past purchase history, etc. Once you have set your primary goals and identified your target audience you can effectively start working out what sort of content you aim to create and how to go about creating it.
●Start working on your social media presence: So, you have your goals and aims set and have also worked out your target audience. You may now start moderating apt content and posting away! Social media presence is a very major player when it comes to digital marketing.
●Boosts the revenue of a company: In the case of both already established companies as well as ones that are just starting out, digital marketing should not be underestimated in the revenue it can generate and boost for a brand. It can help attract more people towards your brand increasing your revenue. As opposed to traditional marketing, digital marketing uses inbound marketing. What this means is that instead of you reaching out to potential customers, they reach out to you. They may discover your brand while scrolling through social media or researching. In this case because customers are actively looking out for said products they are more likely to engage with your content and make purchases.
●Digital Marketing is cost effective: Along with being more revenue generating than traditional marketing, it is also cost effective. You can start out on your Digital marketing journey with minimum resources in hand and still achieve success. One may also approach a digital marketing service. These are reputed firms, thorough with their strategy building and options are available for all budget brackets.
●Progress is measurable: When it comes to digital marketing, progress can be measured easily. On social media and other intermediaries, growth can be measured in the form of statistics and percentages. This can be helpful when growing one’s brand.
●SEO content writing: SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a powerful tool to promote a business. SEO is the process of planning, curating and publishing content in a way that is optimized according to search engines. Optimized content has a higher chance of getting recognized by engines like Google and hence it increases your chances of appearing at the top of a Google search window. This helps to create more traffic on your website and draws in potential customers.
●Content Marketing: Content marketing is a development and distribution of relevant curated media to attract target audience. This approach establishes expertise, encourages brand awareness and boosts trust amongst content consumers. This may include articles, blogs, podcasts, etc. Content marketing is an essential part of social media marketing.
●Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing that includes product placement and endorsements from influential people, groups and organizations in order to promote one’s business. A brand may collaborate with an influencer or a celebrity to promote their products on social media. Influencer marketing is the biggest current trend when it comes to digital marketing. To frame a promising digital marketing scheme and strategy, one may get in touch with marketing solutions and services. This can prove to be a fruitful long-term investment if approached correctly.
●Set up your primary goal: What exactly do you aim to achieve first? Is it a solid clientele you want to build? Do you want to enhance your social media engagement? Setting up your primary goal is the first step in starting your digital marketing journey. Once you have set your aims and goals, you can then start figuring out how to work towards attaining them.
●Identify your target audience: Who will your content be directed towards? Perhaps, the general audience, a selective group of people or other entrepreneurs? One may be as vague or as precise in selecting a target audience as they wish. You can target categories like, specific geographic areas, particular age group, past purchase history, etc. Once you have set your primary goals and identified your target audience you can effectively start working out what sort of content you aim to create and how to go about creating it.
●Start working on your social media presence: So, you have your goals and aims set and have also worked out your target audience. You may now start moderating apt content and posting away! Social media presence is a very major player when it comes to digital marketing.
●Boosts the revenue of a company: In the case of both already established companies as well as ones that are just starting out, digital marketing should not be underestimated in the revenue it can generate and boost for a brand. It can help attract more people towards your brand increasing your revenue. As opposed to traditional marketing, digital marketing uses inbound marketing. What this means is that instead of you reaching out to potential customers, they reach out to you. They may discover your brand while scrolling through social media or researching. In this case because customers are actively looking out for said products they are more likely to engage with your content and make purchases.
●Digital Marketing is cost effective: Along with being more revenue generating than traditional marketing, it is also cost effective. You can start out on your Digital marketing journey with minimum resources in hand and still achieve success. One may also approach a digital marketing service. These are reputed firms, thorough with their strategy building and options are available for all budget brackets.
●Progress is measurable: When it comes to digital marketing, progress can be measured easily. On social media and other intermediaries, growth can be measured in the form of statistics and percentages. This can be helpful when growing one’s brand.
●SEO Content Writing: SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a powerful tool to promote a business. SEO is the process of planning, curating and publishing content in a way that is optimized according to search engines. Optimized content has a higher chance of getting recognized by engines like Google and hence it increases your chances of appearing at the top of a Google search window. This helps to create more traffic on your website and draws in potential customers.
●Content Marketing: Content marketing is a development and distribution of relevant curated media to attract target audience. This approach establishes expertise, encourages brand awareness and boosts trust amongst content consumers. This may include articles, blogs, podcasts, etc. Content marketing is an essential part of social media marketing.
●Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing that includes product placement and endorsements from influential people, groups and organizations in order to promote one’s business. A brand may collaborate with an influencer or a celebrity to promote their products on social media. Influencer marketing is the biggest current trend when it comes to digital marketing.
To frame a promising digital marketing scheme and strategy, one may get in touch with marketing solutions and services. This can prove to be a fruitful long-term investment if approached correctly.