
Why is SEO Content Writing Vital for Websites?

According to statistical research done by BrightEdge, 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. This alone highlights the importance of search engines in online markets. Due to the vast sea of easily accessible content available on engines such as Microsoft, Bing, Yahoo, etc., it is rather easy for one’s website to get lost in the pile. Combating the problem of creative competition online can be a tricky challenge, this is where SEO content writing comes in.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing websites in a way that is more search engine friendly. It is a way of improving the quality as well as the quantity of organic traffic on a web page or website. This can be done through the means of various channels.

How to improve quantity of organic traffic on a web page or website?

•Technical optimization

•Content optimization

•Keyword research and implementation and so on.

Organic search delivers 53% of all website traffic. When people want to access anything whether it be goods, services, places, opportunities, it all begins with a search. Millions of searches are conducted every day and hence it is especially important to be search engine friendly if you want traction and traffic on your website.

Online market is highly competitive and so to ensure that you stay ahead of your competition, you have to improve your online visibility. In other words, SEO content writing leads to more website traffic, which leads to success in achieving business goals.

SEO content writing differs from regular content writing. Unlike regular content writing, optimized content writing includes thorough research on keywords, search engine algorithm, optimization techniques, high quality intent driven content and user search queries. Content writing on the other hand focuses more on creativity and storytelling therefore lacking the tactic-based approach of SEO content. Unlike regular content writing, an optimized approach speaks to both the audience and search engines.

When a website incorporates optimized content writing in its plan of action, it automatically appears higher on search engine result pages. Research has proven that the first position on Google captures approximately 32.5% of all clicks, with traffic declining significantly for lower-ranking positions (Backlinko). Another research by Backlinko has indicated that lengthier content tends to appear higher on search results.

In conclusion, integrating a SEO based strategy in your content writing leads to:

•Substantial growth in reach

•Increase in organic traffic

•Supporting business goals and

•Building a trustworthy image in the eyes of potential clients.

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